About the Product
Known for its charming heart-shaped foliage and easy care, the Philodendron Hederaceum plant is native to South America. It is a climber plant that can be shaped as per preference and environment. This species of the Araceae family can grow up to 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide. The leaves are heart-shaped, glossy, and green with yellow stripes running down the center.
The plant is a symbol of well-being and mental health. It tends to bring calmness and relaxation in the spaces it is kept in. The glossy leaves also trap dust from the atmosphere reducing nasal sensitivity and other respiratory issues. The heartleaf philodendron is also known to be an easy-to-care plant as it endures low sunlight and requires less water attention, making it ideal for beginners and plant enthusiasts who have less time for plant care.